Date of Birth: 2/2002, Male
Weight: 40 pounds
Coat color:
Tan and white Eye color: Brown
Special Talents or Skills: Basic commands (sit, stay, beg, down, come, roll over, play dead). Can fetch and hold a variety of items by name (blankey, squeaky toy, TV remote, slippers, keys). Can clearly say I love you. Can flush the toilet and easily walk on a narrow wood beam (above ground). Ducks under covers to hide from Zombies. Scratches fleas on command. Sticks out his tongue on command. Can impersonate the Seven Dwarfs from rolling over with his blankey (Sleepy) to sneezing on command (Sneezy) to covering his face with his paw (Bashful).
Professional Work: Flexi-Mat (dog bed), Greenies (dog bones)

Beagle/Eskimo Mix
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